
Sunday, December 21, 2008

I am I because my little dog loves me

From the desk of Kess' Mama:

It's the week of Christmas - what better time to share this quote with you.
"I am I because my little dog knows me"
Gertrude Stein

Note: Without realising it, I actually misquoted Gertrude earlier until Key West Collies pointed it out to me. Thanks Collies. I like my accidental version better too.
"I am I because my little dog loves me"
Eliza Ong

J & I came across this quote on a bench in Central Park, New York City when we were there in summer and couldn't resist taking this picture. All dog lovers can relate to this saying. Since Kess came into our lives 6 years ago, she has brought us such joy. We never fail to be amused by her idiosyncracies, laugh at her antics, sigh at her trail of destruction (only when we are away), and blessed by her unconditional love.

Kess - 4 months

Kess - 6 years

Blessed Christmas to our fellow dog lovers!


Amber-Mae said...

Love that quote too! My gosh, you were sooo little cute 6 years ago. Now you're a grown up beautiful lady! I'm sure you've made your hoomans' lives whole this past 6 wonderful years!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Unknown said...

That's a beautiful quote. I think that H-Mom is going to steal it!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Kess and Mom!
My mom agrees with you!
I am sure it has been 6 pawesome years!
Our best wishes for you all this holiday season and always!
Kisses and hugs

One Little Birdie said...

nice quote and you were a cutie when you were little - you still are too!

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Such a gorgeous puppy, grown into such a gorgeous gal! Anyway, we've been given an award by a far away friend and want to give it to all our far away friends too, you're one of them, come by and pick it up if you want!
Slobbers xx

River said...

My mom sure understands that quote! You all are so lucky to have found each other.

love & wags,

Duke said...

That's an awesome quote, Kess! We love it! You were sure one cute pup!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh we love that quote and PL2 has a bit of a leak from her eye!! Merry Christmas !! Love A+A


We like your version of the quote better than the one on the bench.

There is nothing quite so grand as a dog. Dad just has to quote Will Rogers - "If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."

You know what, we think both of them are serious.

Essex & Deacon

Erin said...

I love that quote! Thanks for sharing!
Kess looks like a statue in the top picture :D So cute :D :D

Erin,Bubbles,Texas and Pup #4

Kathryn and Ari said...

What a wonderful post! We love that Gertrude Stein quote. But best of all, we love that last picture of Kess with you looking up at her from the stairs. Too cute!

i said...

Nice quote!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Thor and Jack said...

My family and I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


Par said...

Happy Holidays!

Sugar the Beagle said...

Hey Kess,

What a lovely quote!

If only people in Asia are more open to loving their dogs like a family member rather than a working dog, and appreciate the true meaning of the quote.

Apart from the change in colour of your fur, you look just as lovely as you were at 4 months old~

Sweet Licks,

Thanks for signing my guest book.