
Friday, December 31, 2010

The Bone from Christmas

My humans got me a two-in-one Christmas gift - A Chew N Kleen Knot Bone. You can tell from its name that it serves dual purpose - not only is it for a beagle's enjoyment, it cleans my teeth at the same time!

Naturally, before I was able to indulge in my doggie treat, I had to sit and wait until my humans gave the "OK" command.

So on Christmas evening, whilst my humans were pigging out on mum's homemade chinese barbeque pork (char siu) and Aunty Pat's fried calamari...

...this beagle was busy trying to "unknot" my bone.

This continued to Boxing Day...

On December 27th...At this stage, this beagle was not making a lot of progress. I hate to admit it but my mouth just isn't big enough for this bone. My human took pity on me and decided to "unknot" one end to help me out. My goal was to get to the yummy chicken strip sandwiched between the hide.

On December 28th... I was only halfway through.

On December 29th... I was still at it.

On December 31st... Gnawing this knotted bone sure is tiring!

I hope your Christmas treats kept you as busy as mine did! Happy 2011 everyone!


Duke said...

We sure wish rawhide bones lasted us that long, Kess. And this is why mom won't give them to us anymore. She's such a spoil sport!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Thor and Jack said...

Good work, Kess! Happy New Year!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Now THAT'S one pawesome chewie!

Happy New Year to all of woo!


Ice Pony Girl said...

Kess,what a yummy bone!

Lorenza said...

Happy New Year, Kess and family!
That bone sure is going to last you for a while!
Kisses and hugs

Life With Dogs said...

It's going to be a long year! LOL! :)

Thanks for signing my guest book.