
Friday, March 25, 2011

Fenced Down

This beagle is turning 9 next month. I suppose I'm considered a senior citizen, although in some countries, you have to be 60 to be eligible for senior citizen's discount - I'm 6 months in doggie years, or about 3 human years short of that. My humans certainly think I'm a senior canine. Since last year, they've started restricting my climbing up and down the stairs of our double-storey house during the day due to concerns about my hip. In my youth, I've climbed 7 foot fences, which also means, I've had to jump off 7 foot fences. No wonder, my vet recommended that I take glucosamine!

My human mum's home office is in one of the rooms upstairs. This means that she goes up and down quite a few times during the day. Naturally, this beagle, whom she calls "Her Little Shadow" tends to follow her. Well, since they've put up the darn doggie fence, I'm now fenced down during the day and am only allowed to go up during bedtime. However, this wily beagle sometimes outsmarts them. Since this is a mobile fence, made up of two doggie fences hooked together, my humans sometimes forget to put the fence by the stairs in the morning. So, right after they have the breakfast, I anticipate when they'll be going upstairs to get ready for work, and quickly run up the stairs before they can blink. Hah!

So, every morning, it's a battle of wits - my human's forgetful memory vs. this beagle's determination. At some stage during the day, my human will remember to put up the fence. This is what you see when that happens...


Fred said...

This makes me so sad for you! :P

Amber-Mae said...

WOW 9 already? You gotta take it easy on those joints of yours, Kess.

Cinnamon and Mint said...

Because I have a hip problem, my humans always tell me not to jump on their bed. But, I love lying on the bed so much that I often sneak into their bedroom and jump on the bed!

Do you actually have any pain in your hips? If you don't, it might be a good exercise for you to go up and down the stairs unless you jump up and down multiple steps at once.

Cinnamon the Beagle

Lorenza said...

Hmmm.... not very funny, right?
But sure they do it for your own good!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Dandy Duke said...

I don't do stairs at all anymore, Kess. Getting older does have its drawbacks, huh. *sigh*

Love ya lots

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Be safe ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Bobby Allan said...

Hi Kess! I just found you from over at Sapphire's blog. I'm a "senior" beagle, too, and my mom highlights me on her blog every week.

My legs are going so if I act sad, she'll carry me up the steps. Try it, it works!

Bernie the Beagle

Agatha and Archie said...

Pah nine is nothing.. Listen we have a list of a thousand ways to beat that fence( you already got one on your own, good girl..) Call us on Aggies cell and we will help you beat it.. Love A+A

Unknown said...

Aww, Kess - you're getting a white face just like me! I'll be 8 in Oct which is less in numbers than you but us giant breeds live much shorter lives so it's probably a lot older than you! :-)

That is very clever of you about the fencing! I have to agree with Cinnamon - a lot of vets now believe that unless you actually have already developed a problem in your hips, it's actually good to exercise and strenghten them, especially the muscles around them - with gentle, non-impact, regular exercise (swimming is ideal because it it not weight-bearing) - because the stronger the muscles around the hips, the better they will actually help to support the joints. In fact, in Europe, they now get dogs with hip dysplasia to run next to bicycles for a bit every day and it actually helps them get better without surgery!

Honey the Great Dane

Sapphire said...

aw Kess! it's sweet that you have to be with mom all the time :)

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