No, I'm not doing a post on the Chinese stir-fried beef with ginger (although we have the recipe on Mum's blog if you are interested).
This is Part 2 of my post on my humans' trip to New York. When they were in the Adirondacks, they hired mountain bikes and hit the trails there. After 18 miles of cycling, they took a break at a park before returning the bikes. That's where they met Ginger (the first part of the heading), a Chinese Shar Pei dog. My humans have never seen a Shar Pei before and were intrigued by Ginger's deep wrinkly feature. They struck a conversation with Gingers' humans, the Furinas, who were most gracious and allowed Ginger to be photographed.

With its origins as a guard dog, the Shar Pei a loving, devoted family dog. Ginger had no problem when her human carried her like a baby. In fact, she looked like she enjoyed it!
Besides pictures and stories of new friends, mum & dad also brought me back some treats - Beef Jerky (which is the second part of my heading) and Doggie Bacon. Woo Hoo! I mean, it's nice to meet new friends but hey, I'm a beagle. Nothing beats food!

I check out the Beef Jerky first. It's made with American beef and smells soooo yummy.

Then, I sniff the Doggie Bacon. Oh man, I'm salivating....

Can't resist...Gotta get this package open...

Mum, can I have some help please???Typical mum. She tortures me with the "Sit down" command with the oh so tempting beef jerky treat in my "Feed Me" bowl! How much more can a beagle take???
Finally, she relents when she sees my mournful look and gives me the long awaited "OK"
It tasted just as good as it looked!
Thanks mum & dad for the new friends and doggielicious treats from New York!
yum yum... great treats from new york...
hi kess! sorry for dropping by so late. it's mom's fault (well, i blame everything on her anyway) she takes ages to do anything nowadays. and i thought i'm the prince of the house. hmmmpfh!
anyway, that shar pei sure looks err... happy. lol
are you going to share your treats? like virtually sharing it with all of us?
wet wet licks
That's a cute Sharpei there! Oh Kess, you are so lucky! What yummy treats your parents bought back for you.
Hi Kess, its so nice to get the delicious treats from yr mum and dad. Thanks for sharing a pic of the shar pei dog..
the jerky treats look sooo yummy!!!!
Hi Kess! You were so good to sit before getting the treats. I haven't learned that yet but my mom isn't a good teacher (hey, her words). Enjoy!
love & wags,
You were very well-behaved with those threat! Booker would have taken them and RUN for his kennel to figure out how to eat the whole thing - including the package!
Ginger looks adorable! Wow! You got yummy treats!
yum! that whole posting looked delicious! Mom wants some of that yummy chinese food and we want those jerky treats!
We are salivating over the beef you Mom made!! Love and kisses A+A
What a great post! We really did think we were going to get a stir-fry recipe. Ari much preferred stories about other dogs and beef jerkey. yuuummmmmmmmm.
I want some beef jerky too!!
Hi, Kess!
Yummy food!
So cute Ginger!
Yummy treats!
Kisses and hugs
Our friend, Bolo is a SharPei!
That beef looks just delicious! yummmmmmmm
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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