My humans suffer from "doggie deprivation" (aka they miss me heaps!) whenever they travel. So, after close to 2 weeks of admiring other people's dogs from afar in New York, they were delighted to discover that the bed and breakfast they were staying in at Elbridge, a quaint village in the hills of Skaneteales (Pronounced "Skinny Atlas") has a dog. Joy! Happiness!

Check out the smile on his face and his beautiful blue eyes!
Scooby Dooby Do...Where are you?

Strength and grace in motion
Then when he's done enough exploring for the day, he goes home to his comfy bed. And of course, when there are dog-loving visitors at the bed and breakfast, he gets an extra dose of hugs and pats. Mum & dad really enjoyed their stay at Fox Ridge. Marge and Bob are gracious hosts. Breakfast - Baked french toast with apples was yummy! Mum said it felt like home away from home, right down to the dog!
P.S. Marge, thanks for the carrot and apple. Mum said you asked her to give it to me on your behalf. You know I just love carrots and apples!
Hi Kess,
Napoleon seems to be quite happy in their company:)
I think you are truly magnanimous...devoting a full post to Napoleon - If he knew about it, he'd definitely be happy to accept you as his pack-leader (never mind the size - if you ask me brain always wins over brawn!)
Don't worry about the vote. I am happy to have a friend who visits me and talks to me:)
Licks n Wags,
Wow Napoleon sure is big. We often see a great dane here that looks similar to napoleon but we are both scared of him!
Wow he is a gorgeous dog! There is a huge black great dane at our dogpark, and her name is CINDERELLA ... she has white paws. She is very very gentle and just goes from person to person giving kisses. She is just about at eye level with some people! What do the owners of the B&B do when they have guests who aren't doggie-people? Napolean is too big to hide easily!
Napoleon is beautiful! We met a harlequin great dane named Kenya at the vet's once. She wanted to go home with everybody. That was a sweet girl. My mom's the same way on trips. After a few days she really misses us.
love & wags,
Hi, Kess!
Napoleon is so cute! And big!
I've never seen a great dane in my life but my mom says they are very gentle!
You are right. He lives in a lovely place!
Kisses and hugs
Wow!! He is quite handsome!!! ANd lucky to have your Mom and Dad dote on him!! Love A+A
Ooooohhhhh. . . he has eyes like Ari!
Hope Mom and Dad had a great vacation!
Napoleon sure is a handsome boy!
Napoleon looks awesome! I bet he would be great in a good game of tag and bitey face!
Do you think your humans could mail him to me? Hehehe
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Hi Kess,
Napoleon must have been happy to roam in such a big piece of land near the woods and have constant hugs and sayangs from visitors.
I have seen a Great Dane some time last year. He sure was Huge, and I was so afraid of him. Even a GR didn't dare to approach the Dane!
The Great Dane was white with black patches. Rane jokingly said that he looked like a calf!
Sweet Licks,
happy belated bday liz....
Hey everyone, Thks for all yr great comments about Napoleon. Marge would be happy to read these, I'm sure. We sure shouldn't judge a dog by its size (BIG or SMALL!) :-). Booker, So far, the guests at the B&B have been great about Napoleon.
Nic, Thks!
Napoleon is handsome!
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