
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dead Grass = Success...

It's a strange title for a post but it'll make sense shortly. If you remember, I wrote about my very own patch of grass a few months back. Back then, it was a lovely patch of green grass that looked like this...

A perfect place for a beagle to snooze. My humans reckon that they've supplied me with enough doggie beds and carpets around the house for catching forty winks and would prefer for me to use my patch of grass for peeing instead. Well, they got their wish and my little garden patch now looks like this...

That's right, there is a patch in the centre that's brown and dead due to the potent PH of this beagle's pee. Despite their best efforts to mitigate the effects of dog pee on grass by watering it after each pee, nature takes its course!

Of course, my humans have trained me so well that I automatically run to my food bowl, waiting to be be rewarded for peeing on the grass (that's how they got me to pee there in the first place :-)). Although, I have noticed that the treats are getting smaller each time...Sneaky humans!

Anyway, my humans reckon that having brown grass is worth the price. When we're not having typhoons or strong winds, they leave the glass door open so that I can go and pee anytime I want to. It also came in handy during the time when I had a runny tummy. I was glad I didn't have to wait to go downstairs coz I don't think I could have waited! So, all in all, humans and beagle are happy with our dead grass!


Duke said...

You are so lucky that you have your very own patch of grass inside, Kess. You never have to get rained on!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Cinnamon and Mint said...

I am glad to hear things are going well for both of you and your humans :-)

Sapphire said...

hehe... well done Kess!


We are glad you have your grass.

Essex & Sherman

River said...

Looks like our backyard! You're doing it right.

love & wags,

TWa76 said...

Wow, I am so envious. We have to go out every weather even when there is almost -30 degrees cold (last winter)

Thanks for signing my guest book.