It was a terrific Christmas...thanks to you... Ever since we've started blogging, my humans & I have really learnt from our blogger friends. We've had the chance to see how each of you live, your experiences and culture. It's a great learning experience. But best of all, at least from my point of view (you'll see why in a jiffy), my humans have learnt how to cook for me. Hurray! As a Christmas treat, my humans roasted special meatballs for my dinner. Since they were cooking meatballs for their dinner, they set aside some minced meat for my doggie version. Theirs had ingredients like onions and garlic and seasoning, which supposedly aren't good for dogs.
Human version
You can pop by mama's blog for the simple baked meatball recipe.
Naked aka doggie version
So, I had the "naked" version with breadcrumb and egg. My special meatballs were served in a bed of fragrant Jasmine rice, sprinkled liberally with my Innova kibbles.
My regular meal time routine. Sit and wait until the go ahead is given...
First, there were three meatballs.
Then, there were two...
What a terrific treat. And with that, we think that it's appropriate for us to share this wonderful award which we received from Dughallmor Beagles with eight of our pals.
The award, which was started in Portugal states that "This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships!" In other clearer words, "These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
I really believe that blogs have brought us closer despite the distances that separate us. We have learnt so much from everyone. Thank you!
1. Amber Mae and her cool sistas from Malaysia - The champions of great food.
2. Lorenza from Mexico - The prettiest and sweetest Daschund we know.
3. Oorvi from India - Master philosopher and creator of cool doggie gadgets.
4. Ari- The Maine canine naturalist aka teacher
5. River from Georgia - who is blessed to belong to a wonderful human who loves and rescues dogs.
6. Happy from Malaysia - who really is a happy doggie and spreads happiness to all her friends.
7. Maggie & Mitch - the Conneticut brother and sister Airedales who are so well loved by everyone
8. Guiness & Shiloh from PA, the 2 big cuties!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thanks to you...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
I am I because my little dog loves me
From the desk of Kess' Mama:
It's the week of Christmas - what better time to share this quote with you.
"I am I because my little dog knows me"
Gertrude Stein
Note: Without realising it, I actually misquoted Gertrude earlier until Key West Collies pointed it out to me. Thanks Collies. I like my accidental version better too.
"I am I because my little dog loves me"
Eliza Ong
J & I came across this quote on a bench in Central Park, New York City when we were there in summer and couldn't resist taking this picture. All dog lovers can relate to this saying. Since Kess came into our lives 6 years ago, she has brought us such joy. We never fail to be amused by her idiosyncracies, laugh at her antics, sigh at her trail of destruction (only when we are away), and blessed by her unconditional love.
Kess - 4 months
Kess - 6 years
Blessed Christmas to our fellow dog lovers!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Dog logic
Mum received this in her email box a few weeks back. It's great logic so we thought that we'll share it with you. Enjoy!
The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.
There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.
-Ben Williams
A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
-Josh Billings
The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.
-Andy Rooney
Dogs love their friends & bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love & always have to mix love & hate.
Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog.
-Franklin P. Jones
If your dog is fat, you aren't getting enough exercise
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.
-Mark Twain
Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.
-Roger Caras
If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them.
-Phil Pastoret
Friday, December 12, 2008
Early Christmas presents
The Christmas countdown continues with great cheer! I'm still receiving e-cards from our DWB friends. In contrast to my tons of cards, mum has only received one snail mail card (you can see who has more friends....) from her good pal, Ai. Of course, since Ai knows us well, she has also addressed the card to me since I am such an important family member! Thank you my dear Ai.
But it's not just cards that I've been receiving. I've been given two early Christmas presents in the form of these 2 special awards:
The above award came from Mona & the Mommy too. It is an honour for my blog to be considered a "Dog Blog Worth Begging For". Actually, I would have preferred if the doggie biscuit was edible...but hey, I'll just have to beg mum for the real thing. After all, I deserve it, don't you think?
And to continue the tradition, I would like to pass this award on to:
1. Thor
2. Boo Casonova
3. Agatha & Archie
4. Penny, Poppy & Patches
Next, my Scottish pals, Dughallmor Beagles have given an "I Love Your Blog" award to me. Christmas keeps getting better!
And this award goes out to:
1. King King
2. Cayman
3. Mino
4. Erin, Bubbles & Texas
These awards comes with a poem too (it seems we're on the roll with poem writing...)
To our blogger friends
We bestow this award
Your fabulous blogs
Deserves this reward
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Christmas greetings
I have to say, the Dogs with Blogs Christmas Exchange Card has really spurred us to an early start to our Christmas preparation. The Christmas wreath is hanging on the door. Our table Christmas tree is up. Christmas presents are wrapped (the only present missing is mine). My humans have yet to go shopping for me - can you beat that?
We've started sending out our e-cards but have yet to keep pace with the rate of Christmas cards coming in, simply because we want to visit the blogs of our new friends, whom we've never met on-line before we reply. So, please be patient with us. Meanwhile, we also realise that some of our pals are not on the DWB card exchange program or for some who are, have opted for snail mail only. We've decided to post our Christmas card on our blog to wish all you a blessed Christmas.
And finally, a little Christmas poem we made up for all our friends:
It is Christmas time
Let's spread the cheer
We wish you all joy
and a blessed new year
With love,
Kess & Her Mama
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Chrismas Mission Accomplished
Thanks to dad's photography prowess, mum's feeding techniques and my modelling skills,we have successfully completed our Christmas card mission over the weekend. My humans used 2 fool-proof techniques for dog photography:
1) Get the dog in a calm state by reducing excess energy. How? Easy...Walk the dog first
2) Use treats. For this session, I had beef bacon jerky...
Notice how both techniques are actually to my advantage? I trained them well :-)
Since outdoor photos work best, we did the photography session on our porch on a beautiful sunny evening. Out came the prop (i.e. mini Christmas tree) and the all important beef jerky treat. Dad is grateful for digital photography as he had to take tons of shots before getting the "perfect Christmas photo". After all, I can't make it too easy for them or they'll be wanting me to pose for all kinds of funny stuff all the time!
After selecting "the" shot, dad had to do some editing to get it "card-ready". We couldn't figure out how to add the fancy shmancy Christmas trimmings (would love to hear from the card experts on how to do this), so this year, you'll be getting the simple version. Mum is now in the process of emailing the cards out. She's decided to personalise the Christmas messages, so it'll take her some time to email it out. Apart from our existing pals, we've also decided that we'll be sending cards out to some "yet-to-meet" friends as well as visiting their blogs. After all, that's the whole point of the card exchange, right? So, look out for our Christmas card and our visit!
P.S. Last night, we witnessed an incredible phenomenon - A smiling moon (we kid you not!). Check out the picture on mum's blog.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Christmas Comes Early
Boy oh boy, I am so excited. Christmas is early this year. Despite it still being November, I've been receiving e-Christmas cards left, right and centre from my Dogs with Blogs pals (some whom I don't even know). And that's really the spirit of Christmas - sharing joy with loved ones and strangers. Thank you so much!
Mine is coming...soon...I promise...before Christmas. So, that gives me exactly 26 days to get it out. The first batch of Christmas photos mum took were duds. Hah...hah...I recall reading about the same experience in some of your blogs. Who said dog photography was easy??? So, she's going to attempt it again this weekend. She may even get dad to do the honours. He's the camera geek! If the weekend pics turn out well, I should be able to get my card out next week. Yay!
Friday, November 21, 2008
A "Slow" Confession
I am feeling sheepish at the moment. After all my posts protesting that beagles are not slow dogs in the realm of "intelligence", I have to make a "slow" confession...I have been slow in sharing the awards that Georgeous George and Happy have so kindly bestowed on me 2 months ago (yes, you read it right...2 whole months ago). I am so sorry George and Happy. I really do appreciate the honour. Of course, I could blame mum for it. She's been away on a business trip for a few weeks. Before that, we were preoccupied with the "slow" beagle issue. But I won't offer any excuses. Instead, I'm going to rectify it right now.
Premio Dardos
“Com o Prêmio Dardos, se reconhecem os valores que cada blogueiro mostra cada dia em seu empenho por transmitir valores culturais, éticos, literários, pessoais etc. que, em suma, demonstram sua criatividade através do pensamento vivo que permanece intacto entre suas letras e suas palavras.“Este selo implica duas regras:a primeira, linkar o blog do qual recebeu o prêmio. A segunda – escolher blogs para entregar o prêmio.
"With the Premium Dardos, recognize the values that each blogger shows each day in commitment to transmit cultural values, ethical, literary, personal etc. that, in short, demonstrate their creativity by alive thinking that remains intact from their letters and words. "
I would like to share this award with the fellow bloggers who in my humble opinion demonstrates these values:
1) Sugar - Rane & Sugar have unlimited love for all creatures, big and small.
2) Xsara - Barbie & Xsara share great insights on topics close to our hearts!
3) Nottie Scottie - Mum & I totally understand your predicament of finding time to blog, esp. since we're in the same boat! It is great that you commit to blog and visit other blogs whenever you can.
4) Lois Lane - Thanks for sharing the dog seat-belt safety tip. You look so cute in that picture!
Gold Paw Award
This sparkly award goes to...
1) Mr T-Bone Beasley - hardworking organiser of the Christmas Card Exchange. Thanks for spreading Christmas cheer among doggie bloggers!
2)Genassus Pappilons - I love hearing your Scottish tales. Mum would love to go there someday.
3) The Little Brown Dog - Human and canine with hearts of gold
4) Dughallmor Beagles - My new pals from Scotland - Such great beagle adventure tales!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
In Defence of Beagles
I have received overwhelming support from the dog bloggers community over the newspaper article on "Slow Dogs - Meet the World's 10 least intelligent dogs", which listed beagles in the list. Thank you dear friends for your comments and support for beagles.
I decided that it wasn't enough to voice my indignation about the article on my blog. So, last weekend, I sent the following e-mail to the Editor of the Weekender to present our views. Hopefully, this gets published so that readers of the paper do not get the wrong impression about beagles.
Dear Weekender Editor,
I refer to your article “Slow Dogs -Meet the world’s 10 least intelligent dogs” published on 11 October 2008. The article lists the Beagle as one of the “slow dogs”. As a beagle, I have a duty to defend my breed from being wrongly identified as a “slow dog”. The following points are my views and that of my fellow dog bloggers.
The criterion of “hardest to train” which was used to rank a dog’s intelligence is faulty. A dog that is hard to train does not mean that the dog is not intelligent. Yes, beagles are challenging to train. By nature, beagles are hunting dogs. This means that we are strongly governed by our nose and are easily distracted by scents. Unlike some breeds which are bred to work one-on-one with humans and have a strong desire to please their handlers, beagles are bred to work in a pack with other dogs. Hence, the desire to please our human handlers is a lot less. This leads to the perception that beagles are stubborn.
The challenge in training a beagle is using the right motivation tool. Beagle owners know that the one thing that never fails to motivate us is food. Beagles are intelligent and learn quickly when motivated. In fact, airports around the world use beagles as sniffer dogs to prevent illegal items from being smuggled into the country. This shows that beagles can be trained to provide service, if humans know how to motivate us. Of course, our intelligence can be a bane to our humans. Beagles are notorious for being escape artists because we are able to figure out how to get out from our enclosures - this requires both intelligence and agility. (I have escaped from my garden many times by scaling the fence, much to my humans’ chagrin.)
The article certainly does not do justice to beagles. Whilst I can understand that the title “Slow Dogs - Meet the world’s 10 least intelligent dogs” is certainly more catchy than “Meet the world’s 10 most difficult to train dogs”, it is incorrect and irresponsible to equate "difficulty to train" with "intelligence".
By Kess, the Beagle
P.S. My humans didn't have to teach me to carry my leash when going for walks. I learnt it myself.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Oops...I Did It Again
Inspired by Sophia's amazing stunt, and determined to prove that beagles are NOT slow dogs, I did it again...Yes, I managed to escape this morning when my mum went to town to run some errands. It is still a mystery to my humans how I did it.
Based on our neighbour (and my occassional sitter) Aunty C's account, I was found in the arms of a "good samaritan"heading towards my home. It appears that this gentle lady found me roaming down the street and carried me back. Aunty C did not recognise her but was very thankful (as are my humans).
As it turns out, Aunty C found our gate open. Now, mum is certain she closed the auto gate when she left in the morning. Upon closer inspection when she returned home, she saw patches of dirty paw prints (it has been raining cats and dogs everyday!) on the wooden gate. So, their theory is that I have somehow managed to bulldoze the autogate open. Further checks on the gate revealed that the latch is now somewhat loose.
Anyway, mum has called the technician to come and inspect the gate to prevent further escapes. She is also contemplating installing a CCTV to capture my escapades. Until then, I'm not telling how I did it. Who says beagles are slow?
P.S. I am still peeved at the allegation that beagles are slow dogs, so I have decided to do a poll to seek the views of my fellow dog bloggers. So, do take part. Terima kasih (Thank you in Malay).
Friday, October 17, 2008
Beagles...Slow Dogs???
I AM PEEVED! My humans came across an article on the Star last Saturday on "Slow Dogs...Meet the world's 10 least intelligent dogs".
- Afghan Hound
- Basenji
- Bulldog
- Chow Chow
- Borzoi
- Bloodhound
- Pekinese
- Mastiff and Beagle
- Basset Hound
- Shi Tzu
If you have seen the video on Sophia, the ultimate beagle escape artist, you would know that beagles not only possess extraordinary agility abilities (beagle owners can attest to that!) but also great intelligence. How else do you think, we, beagles are able to figure out a fail-proof escape route?
Obviously, the training criteria used to define "intelligence" is faulty. We beagles are governed by our nose, which means we are easily distracted by scents. We are also an independent lot, This may make it more challenging to train us, it is by no means an indication of our "low intelligence". In fact, I constantly amaze my fans (i.e neighbours, family and friends) with my clever escapes and tricks for treats, of course. Apart from cleverly providing home entertainment, beagles have important jobs to protect security as sniffer dogs at airports and borders.
If you ask me, it is not us beagles that are slow dogs. The author of the article, while human, may fall into this category coz he/she can't count. There are 11 dogs on the list. Duh!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Ultimate Beagle Escape Artist
My humans have always wondered how I managed to scale the 6-foot fence in our garden. Now, they know how. No, they didn't catch me in action. Instead, their Thai friend sent them this video. My humans were so intrigued, the googled it on Facebook and found the original video of Sofia's escape caught on tape. Way to go Sofia! Beagle power!
Check it out now. Do persevere with the download. It is worth watching!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Lost and Found
We had a lil' excitement over the 2 days Hari Raya (Muslims celebrate the end of fasting during Ramadhan month) holidays last week. On Thursday evening, Mrs. T, a dog lover (who adopted 2 street dogs) was chasing after a dog who appeared to be lost. This dog was seen wandering around for a few days. She enlisted the help of my human dad. So, he went on his bike and tried to catch the lil' lost dog. It took about 30 minutes before they finally managed to corner the dog. With the help of another neighbour, Mr. C, they coaxed the frightened dog from her hiding place behind a commercial garbage bin.
In the end, we managed to locate Girl Dog's owner from her red dog DBKL (KL municipal)licence tag on Monday (Due to the Raya holidays and the weekend, DBKL was closed). Mrs T's friend went to the DBKL office on Monday and was able to track the owner's address from the licence form. It really is so important to have a tag. Girl Dog may have been reunited with her owners a lot earlier if she had a tag. Read my earlier post on this. As it turns out, Girl Dog actually lives near my gramps place, just on the next street. Which also means, she had to cross over the very busy main road which I used when I went off to visit gramps on my own. Read about my adventure here . Girl Dog, whose name is Missy was happily reunited with her humans. So, there was a happy ending to this Lost and Found story.
Remember to always wear your tag!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Mooncake - Yum...
Hi everyone! I can't believe I haven't blogged for 2 weeks... You guessed it - It's my human's fault of course! (isn't it always THEIR fault?). Anyway, I'm back again and will try to catch up with all your blogs soon.

I could smell something familiar...something I've tasted before. I tried to recall what it was...but to no avail. I couldn't open the box with my paws. Sigh...
Mum opened the box. It contained 4 mooncakes. Turns out that it was the Chinese Mid-Autumn festival last month. In Malaysia, it's also called the Mooncake festival. There are many stories behind the Mid-Autumn Festival. Mum remembers growing up hearing about the legend of the Jade Rabbit. She reckons if you stare at the moon, you can make out the shape of a rabbit... Of course, we all know that there are no rabbits in the moon! If you are interested, pop by Wikepedia to read about the festival and mooncakes.
Whilst my humans don't really celebrate the Mooncake festival, they can never resist buying a couple of mooncakes during the festival. Check out the beautiful floral design on the mooncake. It's traditionally made of lotus seed paste, although innovative chefs have used other fillings such as bean paste, jujube, taro and even ice cream (Yes - Haagen Daz Malaysia sells mooncake ice cream!). Traditionally, mooncake contains a duck egg yolk in the middle which symbolises the moon. For health reasons, many people opt for the plain mooncakes without the yolk.Mooncakes are yummy. How do I know that? I've tasted it before! No, my humans didn't feed me mooncakes. They reckon it's not good for dogs...I reckon they want the mooncakes for themself! A couple of years back, before they wised up to my tricks, my humans accidentally left a slice of mooncake on the living room table. Naturally, I did what all dogs would have done - I chomped it down!
For the purpose of this post, we have re-enacted the scene of the crime for our readers. Of course, back when it happened, my humans weren't around, so I chomped it down in seconds. This time, my human kept an eagle eye on me and gave me the "Leave" command. Sigh...such temptation! It's cruel, I tell you.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
For the love of a dog
In the midst of tragic news of hurricanes, floods, tainted milk and collapse of giant financial institutions, it is heartening to read some good news. The Star, a local Malaysian paper, published this article "Meet spunky Snoopy, the handicapped dog in a wheelchair" yesterday on the third page (I suppose the editors thought we all needed to be cheered up).
Spinal complications later resulted in Snoopy being unable to walk. Marjan was determined to give Snoopy a chance to live life fully. She ordered a squad car wheelchair (RM1500, approximately USD500) and shoes (RM150, approximately USD50) from America for Snoopy . The plucky dog is now able to walk with aid of the wheelchair, thanks to his human who loved him unconditionally. In fact, he even charged at another dog who started charging at Snoopy and his siblings. (read about this amusing tale in the article). Marjan said "I don’t quite know how dogs think, but to Snoopy, I think he believes he’s still alpha male. I don’t think he knows he’s paralysed,”
What an encouraging story. A little dog who overcomes his limitations, with help from his human who refused to give up!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I Love Your Blog
It really is awards season! 2 in a row. My biggest human fan, Uncle Bok Jae, who has a soft spot for dogs, has told me that He Loves My Blog! Isn't he a sweetie? I love his blog too (and I'm not saying it just because he has given me this award). He always has a nugget of wisdom, (he has many, many years of human experience), a word of encouragement and heartfelt sharing on his blog called Listening, Learning Living.
***end copy***
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Its Awards Season
Let 'em know in your post or via email, twitter or blog comments that they've received an award Share the love and link back to both the person who awarded you and back to
I want to pass this award to my fellow "Kick Ass Bloggers"...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Kitty on our roof...
Our back alley is littered with stray cats, literally! They love to walk on the ledge of our back garden walls and occasionally, even dare to spend the night in our back garden! Grr...Don't they know there is a dog in this house??? Despite my loud bark warnings, they continue to taunt me from the their place on the ledge. I get so upset!
Last Sunday, one kitty found its way up to the airwell on our roof. The silly thing couldn't get out. It was bad enough when they were loitering in the back garden wall, now, a cat is in my house? That's it! I've had enough. Time to call in for reinforcement! I would have loved to call my neighbourhood doggie pals but mum vetoed that suggestion as all it would have done was cause a din. Instead, she called the fire department! And to add salt to the injury, she wouldn't allow me stay at home whilst the kitty removal took place! I was banished to Aunty C's home next door. My hurt feelings were soothed a little by the treats that Aunty C gave me...only a little. I was still upset that I couldn't be there to tell the kitty off and show it "who's the boss!".
I had to spend a couple of hours at Aunty C's home. Mum had to clean the floor with disinfectant as the frightened kitty left a trail of poo during the rescue (Mum was not happy!). Then she called the pest control to fumigate the roof against fleas and ticks. One of our neighbour's home was infested with fleas when a cat gave birth to kittens on their roof (why are cats so fascinated with roofs?), so mum didn't want to take the risk. More than half a day was wasted dealing with the kitty problem. Another problem we have with stray cats is the prolific multiplication of these cats who rummage through rubbish bins, cause a mess and poo indiscriminately in other people's houses! Now you know why I'm upset!
P.S. If you want to read mum's account of the story, read her blog.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
How to say "Thank you". The tally is now 21!
Hi everyone,
Thanks for sharing how to say "Thank You" in other languages. The tally is now 21!
You may have noticed the captions under my awards section. The beautiful aspect about living in a multi-cultural society is that a lot of Malaysians are multi-lingual. My humans can speak English (international language), Bahasa Malaysia (national language) and Cantonese (Chinese dialect - mother tongue). They also picked up some basic Thai language when they lived in Bangkok. I only speak doggie and sign language, but my humans understand what my barks, whines, facial expressions and gestures mean.
Well, in case you're wondering what some of the words in the captions mean, I thought I'll give you some quick lessons on how to say "Thank You" in...
From Kess' Mama:
1) Bahasa Malaysia - Terima Kasih
2) Mandarin - Sieh Sieh
3) Cantonese - Toh Che
4) Thai - Kop Khun Kah (if you're a female) and Kop Khun Kap (if you're a male)
From Oorvi:
5) Urdu - Shukriya
6) Hindi -Dhanyawad
From Georgeous George Headley:
7) Italian - Grazie
8) Greek - Efkhareesto
From Thor:
9) Brazilian - Obrigada (if you're a girl) and Obrigado (if you're a boy)
From Sweet Jasmine:
10) Hokkien (another Chinese dialect) - Kam Siah Lu
From Amber Mae & River:
11) German - Danke
From Key West Collies:
12)Korean (Hangul) - Kamsahapnida
13) Hungarian (Magyar) - Köszönöm
14) Czech - Dĕkuju
From Maggie and Mitch:
15) French - Merci
From River:
16) Russian - Spasibo
From Lorenza:
17) Spanish - Gracias
From Happy & LS:
18) Japanese - Domo Arigato
19) Doggie - Wet licks (All dogs can relate to that!)
From Booker:
20) Northern England - Ta (Kess: Mum remembers this short form for "Thanks" fondly from her university days in Australia as the Aussies use this too.)
From CC:
21) Maori (New Zealand) - Tēnā rāwā atu koe
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The dreaded visit...with a happy ending!
"Kess, it's time to go for a car ride" mum said one sunny Saturday afternoon. My ears perked up. My tail did a boogie woo "left-to-right-and-back-again" wag. I rushed to grab my leash from the top of the shoe cabinet. Car rides are on my list of favourite "To Dos"! Little did I know...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Better late than never...
Friday, August 29, 2008
It All Started With One Brave Dog Named Rex
We were inspired by Oorvi's post on Pawlee - A Pup Prodigy to share this Malaysian news article with you. But first, let us provide some cultural background. In Malaysia, there is a general belief that Muslims are not allowed to touch dogs (or is it just wet dogs? We don't have exact details.) As a result, a large population of Muslims do not like dogs, with some even fearing dogs, which explains why dogs here don't enjoy the same access to public places as our counterparts in US and other parts of the world.
That's why this article entitled "A rare breed in society" which was published in the New Straits Times yesterday is so heartening. The article features Datin Nariza, a Muslim who loves dogs. In the Q&A for the article she recounts how she was saved from a python by her mum's alsatian. "When I was a baby, my parents were living in a rubber plantation. My mum had an alsatian named Rex. One day, my mum and dad were outside the house and when mom stepped back inside, her dog's face was stained with blood.My mum ran frantically to my room and found me still asleep, but there was a dead python near my bed. The dog saved my life! But unfortunately, the following year, a cobra bit him and he died. My mother vowed never to take another dog again because she felt no dog or cat could replace him."
Now, Datin Nariza is a lobbyist for the SPCA. And it all started with one brave dog, named Rex.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Ginger and Beef

I check out the Beef Jerky first. It's made with American beef and smells soooo yummy.

Then, I sniff the Doggie Bacon. Oh man, I'm salivating....

Can't resist...Gotta get this package open...

Mum, can I have some help please???Typical mum. She tortures me with the "Sit down" command with the oh so tempting beef jerky treat in my "Feed Me" bowl! How much more can a beagle take???
Finally, she relents when she sees my mournful look and gives me the long awaited "OK"
It tasted just as good as it looked!
Thanks mum & dad for the new friends and doggielicious treats from New York!