
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hits and misses

It's Kess' fourth day in HK. It's great having her here with us. She is adjusting well in most respects. She enjoys meeting new canine and human friends on our walks. She loves going on the lift to go down for a walk. The staff at our apartment love her. She'll perform tricks for treats for them and all parties benefit! Those are our hits...

And now for the misses...from house to apartment. Back home, we used to leave the door open for her to go to the garden to pee. But we can't do that anymore coz we don't have a garden! So, our biggest miss is Kess having pee accidents in the apartment. On her first day, she had 2 accidents. We learnt from that and adjusted our pee walks. In a day, we take her downstairs 7 times. First thing in the morning, after breakfast (which is also her long walk), mid-morning, mid-afternoon,evening (second long walk), after dinner and before bed time. The schedule worked fine for 2 days, until typhoon 3 signal hit HK today. Strong winds and showers put a halt to our pee schedule. I did take her out around noon despite the wind and rain but she was more interested to sniff than pee. After a small branch falls from a tree, I decided to head back before a bigger branch fell! Well, lo and behold, pee accident no. 3 happened in the apartment, followed by pee acccident no. 4 an hour later.

I had followed some tips on the internet about soaking some pee and transferring that to a section in the back room where we had laid newspapers where we had intended for her indoor pee place. Somehow, it's just not working...Sigh...Maybe I just need to keep at it. I'm frustrated and I'm sure she's confused too... We welcome any suggestions to help Kess live happily in our apartment.


NoPo Dales said...

Would your balcony be a possibility?
A potty mat in a shallow plastic tray? I think they sell online.
Good luck, and thank you for the story!

Amber-Mae said...

If you have a balcony, get some carpet grass, place them on some trays or in a wooden box & put them in the balcony. Leave sliding door open just a bit so that it's big enough for her to go out into the balcony to do her business. OR you can get one of these fake grass toilet thingies:

There are a few companies that make this stuff but you will have to order & wait for it to arrive. So that means you'll still have bring her out many times a day until it arrives. It'll also cost quite a bit. But the good thing about this fake grass toilet thingies is that you can put it inside the apartment & not in the balcony.

But in IMO the best thing is to get real grass. It's also cheaper.

Hope I helped.

Dandy Duke said...

We wish we had a pee spot indoors - especially when it's raining out! Sorry that we can't be more help.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

I have never done my bussiness outside.
I have a stainless steel tray in my house. My mom puts newspapers on it and changes them every time I use it!
I understand it will take some time for Kess to get used to her new potty situation but sure she will do it!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Cinnamon and Mint said...

I don't pee many times a day, but Mint does. So, Mum has to let him out to the garden several times a day in addition to our morning and evening walks. So, if we moved into an apartment without a garden, we would have similar problems. But, as a puppy, Mint was trained to pee on gravels, so all we would need to do might be put gravels in a box in the balcony and wash the gravels regularly. In your case, I would recommend Amber-Mae's idea.

Sapphire said...

glad to hear Kess is doing well!
whatever you are doing, i think it'll work over time. with patience (i'm sure you are good at it! 7 times a day!) and consistency- Kess will eventually get it.
I myself also thinking of potty training Sapphire indoors since she sleeps with us in the room now. so far she sleeps through the night, but i cannot guarantee 100% !
all the best, training is always challenging and fun at the same time! take care in the windy seasons :)


No suggestions just collie prayers that it all works out.


Alex said...

Hi. Congrats on bringing Kees over to HK, sure is a country where dogs and owners get to be out a lot more than in KL.
Maybe you could try the Flower Market to get grass. Even not, you'd probably be able to get information from the vendors there. Take a MTR to Prince Edward station, it's walking distance from there.

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