
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Pre-Birthday Treat

This beagle turns 11 tomorrow. My humans, who is getting forgetful actually had to check last year's post because they couldn't remember if I was going to be 11 or 12...Now, who is getting older I wonder ;-)

Anyway, since it's the weekend, my human decided to bake me a pre-birthday treat based on a recipe from the internet. Last year, my cookies were made from carrot, banana and apple. This year, my birthday cookies were made from oats, banana and peanut butter.

Now you see it...
Now you don't...Delicious!

After enjoying 2 cookies, with another 10 cookies tucked away in the fridge for a week long birthday treat, my humans decided it was time to walk off some calories and we headed to our favourite weekend spot, the Aberdeen Country Park for a hike. With summer fast approaching (it gets early around 6 am now), the hikes will be few and far between due to the hot and humid weather, so we're taking advantage of the tail end cool days for our outings.

Can't wait to see what treats are in store for me tomorrow...
Here is the recipe my human used for my treat:
1 cup wholemeal flour (or any kind of flour)
1/2 cup oats
2 ripe bananas, mashed
1 egg, beaten
3 tablespoon peanut butter
1 teaspoon dried parsley (supposed to help with bad breath...)
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and let it sit for 5 minutes. Using a tablespoon, scoop mixture onto a lined baking tray. Use the back of the spoon to level the cookie. Bake for 40-45 minutes in a preheated 300F (150C) oven. Let it cool before sharing it with your favourite canine friends.



Happy Barkday Kess.

Lorenza said...

Happy Happy Happy Birthday, Kess!
Your treats sure are yummilicious!
Thanks for sharing the recipe!
Glad you enjoyed a ver nice time!
Kisses and hugs

Dandy Duke said...

Happy 11th Birthday, Kess! We're happy to hear that your birthday will last for a whole week with cookies every single day! That is exactly as it should be!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Thor and Jack said...

Happy Birthday, Kess!! What a great celebration(one whole week!)That place is beautiful! Your cookies sound so yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe. Love your pictures, and your new header is gorgeous! You look so happy!

Thor and Jack

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